
"I began with slightly over a month before starting my fire academy. Upon meeting, she comprehended the requirements I needed. Within two weeks, I was already experiencing greater conditioning and strength than ever before. By sticking to the plan and maintaining discipline, you will achieve your desired results and more."

Dj Stanton

"Ive trained with multiple trainers over the years, but have never felt as strong and in shape as I do now. Im currently six weeks into the program and already see my muscles have grown and I feel so much more stronger."

Kelsey Endter

"I've been training with Jen Rowan since June of 2023. She is hands down the most commited mentor/trainer that I've ever used. She helps me to be the best version of myself and that within itself is why she's the best for me."

Kindra Cannon

Kelsey Endter

This year was the year I decided I wanted to change my life in my lifestyle, physical ability, and career. I was given Jen Rowan’s information after a ride along at a local fire department once I decided I wanted to become a firefighter. After meeting Jen and joining Academy Fitness Prep, I quickly realized that the program was the best decision I had made all year.

Jen’s program not only pushed myself to becoming stronger and more confident, but her expertise in the fire service really drove me to pursue a career as a firefighter. When I first started, I could barely do a single pull-up. I had worked out with trainers in the past and felt like I had plateaued in my fitness journey. Jen showed me that I could grind even further. I could do 10 pull-ups by end of the 3-month mark, which is something I never fathomed I’d be able to do!

I cannot recommend this program enough for anyone wanting to join the fire service. It both establishes the baseline you need for an academy and to be physically and mentally prepared for the challenges you will face. Meeting and working with Jen has been life changing, and has proven to me that with time and strong will, you can become exactly the person you dreamed to be in the world.

Kindra Cannon

Entering the second year of motherhood while transitioning into a new career is anything but easy. I received a recommendation to contact Jen Rowan to provide structure, guidance, and support. It has been one of the best choices that I have made. Coming from a background of personal training and nutrition you think you have a grasp on what you’re doing until you are trying to transition into a new career that challenges your body to its extremes.

Jen takes the time to create workouts that are tailored specifically for the fire service that will not only make you stronger physically, but mentally which is needed in this career. Jen has been there for me through thick and thin throughout this process and has opened my eyes to a new light in life. I’m forever grateful for everything she has done for me throughout this process!

Karissa McAlonan

Words could not express what a journey this has been for me. I have been trying to find my forever home in the fire service for a little over 3 years now. I have tried multiple fitness programs online, fire related workouts, CrossFit and more. I believe that with the right coaching it has brought me to where I am today.

Since I have found my career path in the fire service I have always strived to have a female mentor. A mentor that I can look up to and emulate pursing my dream job. Someone who can inspire me, see my full potential and push me to limits I did not know I was capable of doing. Back in January 2023… I got that phone call I have always been wanting from Jennifer Rowan. I had found my mentor! Right away she set me up with a workout plan and we talked about our goals.

This road has been the toughest  one I have taken yet. But I can tell you, I am not the same person that I was 6 months ago! There is probably a lot of people who thought I could never do this. When I started this journey I could only do 3 pull ups. In the end I was able to reach 12!  I finished my academy reaching record numbers I have never seen before in my life! 

  Through this entire process coach J-Row was always availble. She was able to see this future me! I am forever thankful for this training program and guidance. I firmly believe (and my husband will second this) that my life changed when I found my mentor Jennifer Rowan. She was really where it all began. This program established a solid foundation that I can always rely on. I now base all my workouts on the fundamentals I have been taught as they relate to the job. 

  I recommend this program to anyone who is interested in getting into the fire service. I also recommend this program to anyone already in the fire service. You will find everything you need to be successful and maintain a good level of fitness. In the end you will come out stronger both mentally and physically. 

Leah Stolworthy

Throughout my life I have stayed in decent physical condition. I played sports all through high school, spent my summers working on a ranch, and maintained a gym routine through most of my adult life. That being said, Coach J-Row’s program took my fitness to the next level. 

I knew the fire service was challenging, and I knew I needed to be strong in order to do the job. What I didn’t know was how to prepare myself the right way. That’s where Academy Fitness Prep came in. The program is structured in a way that helped me build the muscle I needed using exercises and movements that trained my body for the fire grounds. There have been numerous times throughout the academy, and in station life, where I have performed a task and recognized the muscle memory I had built with Coach her help. 

The academy was one of the hardest things I have ever been through. It was both physically and mentally demanding, but the prep-work I had put in beforehand made a noticeable difference. 

I feel confident coming into this career. I know what is expected of me, I’ve been trained on how to do what needs to get done, and I have built a solid physical foundation that I can continue to grow throughout my career. She gave me the tools to build my dream life, and Academy Fitness Prep provided the blueprints. 

I will always be grateful for my experience. I would not be where I am today without this. You will only get out of this program what you put into it, so if you’re serious about changing your life, be serious about training for it. You won’t regret it, I guarantee it. 


Without a doubt, every individual must start their journey from a certain point. The underlying purpose of this design is to construct a reliable base that can be utilized as a reference or utilized for guidance in times of necessity.

Optimal results can be achieved by conducting this program in a gym facility. AFP specifically developed this program considering the limitations of individuals without fire related equipment.

The program is designed to be completed within a 3-month timeframe, although it can be tailored to meet your specific requirements for a shorter or longer duration.

Yes, to maximize your outcomes, we strongly suggest including at least one month of online coaching in the program.

The program is designed to accommodate both men and women. When working out at the gym, individuals have the flexibility to customize the intensity and strength levels to align with their personal needs.

I am not a nutritionist but nutritional guidance can be offered.